Discover Revolution

Discover Revolution is a 3-step pathway to help people find a meaningful sense of belonging at Revolution. The first step is a catered lunch after our Sunday gathering, the 2nd step is a Monday evening online ZOOM chat, and the 3rd step is simply to help you get connected.

The heart of our Discover Revolution is to help people find out how to get connected and involved here at Revolution. We want to make it easy for people discover the heart of Revolution Church and the journey that we are taking together. Over the years people have expressed that it’s helpful to get an idea of our direction and culture, as well as learn about some of the practical things we do that people can connect with or get involved in. Going through Discover Revolution is the simplest way to begin to get connected here and you will get some great tools to help you on your faith journey.


A look at the unique journey that we are on, where we have come from, where we are going, and the journey we hope you will take.

This is a catered lunch after our Sunday gathering with Steve and Amy and some of our team on the first Sunday of every 2nd month.

You will hear about our journey so far and get some tools to grow in your journey.


An up-close look at what really makes Revolution tick, our core theology, core values, and core strategy. In other words, we will look at what we believe, what we're like, and what we do.

This is a 90-minute online chat with some of our team via zoom, on the Monday night following PART ONE.

get connected

We want to help you connect in a meaningful way.

This is a conversation with one of the team about what connection could look like for you. From there we will get you in touch with someone that can help.