Our vision is to witness the revelation of God's heart and the restoration of people's lives throughout our city. It is a journey guided by His love, truth, and grace, where humanity is touched and transformed. We long for His kingdom to manifest on earth, as His will is done in heaven.
The core of our purpose is to see God healing and restoring every aspect of our humanity. We believe in partnering with His divine plan for this city, understanding that the church exists not for itself but for the flourishing of all humanity within its reach.
As a community of individuals whose lives have been forever transformed by the revolutionary love of Jesus, we are committed to sharing this life-changing experience with others.
Together, we desire to bring about the revelation of God's heart and the restoration of people's lives across our city.
Our mission is to point people towards Jesus and empower them to live out His revolutionary ways.
We understand that pointing people towards Jesus involves embodying and presenting the gospel to those around us. It is our conviction that He is the solution to humanity's greatest needs, and we desire to hold Him up as the ultimate source of hope and transformation.
Furthermore, we are committed to equipping individuals to live out His revolutionary ways. This means fostering a wholehearted devotion to Jesus in every aspect of life. We believe in seeking first the kingdom and embracing its counter-cultural values and principles. Through teaching, discipleship, and community, we aim to provide the necessary tools and support for individuals to walk in alignment with Jesus' teachings and bring about positive change in the world.
At our core, we are passionate about pointing people towards Jesus and empowering them to live out His revolutionary ways. Join us on this journey of faith as we seek to make a difference in our lives, communities, and the world at large.
Our core values form the heartbeat of our church, guiding us on our journey of faith and purpose.
Together, we foster an Authentic Community, recognizing that God's vision for the earth is fulfilled through His family. We embrace acceptance and belonging, creating a space where everyone matters. We encourage one another to drop our masks and grow in vulnerability, understanding the power of authentic relationships. We see the value in our need for each other, serving one another with love and humility.
Centering our lives around Jesus, we cultivate Rhythms with God. We are a worshipping community, people of prayer, and individuals shaped by Scripture. Led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we walk with God throughout our days. We embrace New Testament practices for spiritual growth, discovering and growing in our unique spiritual pathways.
Deep Transformation is at the core of our journey. We long to partner with God's heart in restoring all things. We strive to overcome and heal from the wounds of the past and sin, experiencing genuine and lasting change. We seek to become who God truly made us to be, integrating mental and emotional health into our discipleship journey.
Everyday Mission is our calling as believers. We equip every individual to advance the kingdom of God in every sphere of their lives. It is not just about serving occasionally; it's a lifestyle of serving others. We recognize that all aspects of our lives serve God's purposes, and we are committed to the ministry of all the saints.
Join us as we live out these values, creating an Authentic Community, cultivating Rhythms with God, experiencing Deep Transformation, and embracing Everyday Mission. Together, we strive to fulfil God's vision for our lives, our community, and the world around us.
Revolution Church is led by the dynamic duo, Steve and Amy Silcock! They are not only passionate leaders but also a loving family who enjoy the journey alongside their three incredible kids.
Steve and Amy's hearts beat for helping people connect with God and discovering His incredible plans for humanity. They believe that every individual holds immense value and are dedicated to supporting people in every aspect of life. With their combined experience in church youth ministry and pastoral leadership spanning over two decades, they bring wisdom, compassion, and a deep understanding of the needs of their community.
In 2014, fuelled by a dream and an unshakable vision, Steve and Amy embarked on an exciting endeavour – the launch of Revolution Church. With passion in their hearts and faith in their stride, they have been relentless in their pursuit of building a community that embodies love, transformation, and hope.
Join Steve, Amy, and the Revolution Church family as they continue to write the next chapter of their journey, making a lasting impact in Christchurch and beyond. Together, let us experience the transformative power of God's love and become part of a movement that brings life-changing joy and purpose to our city.